
Showing posts from June, 2012

Lander Wyoming

We went to visit Davids grandpa last weekend, and we had a blast! When we got there, it was pretty late. But we stayed up and talked a little. Gratton and I went to bed, and David and his grandpa stayed up watching the Giants game. The next morning we had oatmeal for breakfast. Davids grandpa kept insisting that I add more half and half to it. It made it creamier, but then I kept having to add more sugar. He's a funny guy. Then we went out to a spot where we could feed these huge trout! It was only a quarter for a huge handful of food. It was awesome. Gratton liked throwing the food. He only got it out to the fish once, but he thought every throw landed in the water, and that's all that matters really! Then he got bored of the fish and wanted to figure out how the food machine worked. People would come use the machine, and he would show them how it worked. Or how he thought it worked! Then we went to see the sinks, and that was fun. There was a little museum with animals (stuff...

Monkey Boy

I woke up because I heard Gratton walking around the kitchen. So I get up and grab a diaper so I can change him. I hear grunting though, so I just sit down and wait. No point changing him before he finishes! When he comes out of the kitchen though, there isn't a new addition to his diaper. That isn't what he was grunting about! He peeled his own banana! He did just turn 17 months old yesterday, but I still think he should be coming to me to peel bananas! Guess he doesn't think so though! Crazy kid :-)

Cooking to music

So we're downstairs watching a TV show, and Gratton goes upstairs. About 2 minutes later we hear Tarzan playing super loud, and pots and pans clanging. He turned on the CD player, which is on the counter (so he had to move the heavy chair over to the counter), and he's pretending to cook. This child... If he wants to do something, he does it! Even though hes only 17 months (tomorrow).

Oops sorry Mommy!

Gratton spilled water on me and the couch, and then he went and got a wipe and came and cleaned off my arm and the couch! He is the sweetest baby in the world!

Little Artist

Gratton has been learning how to draw and color lately. It is really cute. I need to get him a coloring book! I'm getting off topic though. I am writing this entry because Gratton drew on himself for the first time yesterday. I knew we would run into that eventually, I just didn't think it would be this soon!


A lot of the ladies in my ward go to a Zumba class like 5 times a week. One lady told my husband to have me go, when we first moved in. I was still super sick and had no energy at that time, so I didn't go. I started feeling better though last week, so when Jennifer invited me to go, I was like okay sure! I had heard good things about Zumba, but I saw a class at the Gym once and it looked pretty weird! This class was way better though! The teacher used to be a dance teacher, so the dances are awesome. And it's cool because women who have always wanted to dance can finally do it! And it's so cheap. Only $25 a month, and you can go 5 times a week! It's even funner because I can get to know the other ladies in the ward better too! I work in the primary at church, so I know all the kids, but like none of the Moms! Anyways, I just wanted to say that Zumba is really fun. I wouldn't mind teaching it one day. It's a lot like teaching dance, but it seems funner because...

For the first time in 2 years!

For the first time in 2 years, I don't feel sick! At all! My stomach doesn't hurt, I'm not nauseous or anything! In April (I think it was) the doctors told me that from the biopsy results, it looked like Celiacs disease, and I should stop eating all gluten. Well I did, and now I'm feeling tons better! I was still in a little bit of pain until last week when my new family doctor put me on a stomach medicine to help my stomach and intestines heal. It also treats the bile reflux I was having from the gallbladder removal. Well it it working, and I feel like I could do anything! Woot! I missed feeling normal! Gluten is awesome, and so is bread and all the other yummy stuff it's in. But I really don't miss it, because without it I can lead a healthy normal life again. While I wouldn't suggest a gluten free diet for people without Celiacs disease, for me I love it!