
Showing posts from March, 2016


Lately, it's felt like I'm getting exponentially sicker. I walk to the end of the hall and back and feel out of  breath and tired. I don't sleep all day, but I need to rest so much. It seems like for every 5 minutes I'm up doing something, I  need at least a 15-20 min rest. It's very frustrating . My pancreas pain has gotten steadily worse. It now hurts constantly, and gets worse when I eat or drink. The pain itself is exhausting. In January my pancreas numbers were elevated again, so I was in the hospital for 6 days. David and I are going to Minnesota April 4th and 5th to see a pancreas specialist. I really hope they can help me. The constant pain is getting really hard and depressing. It's been 5 years of pancreas pain, and sometimes it just feels like it's never going to end.

Dad get stronger!

Kahlan- Dad do pull ups. Him get stronger.  I just eat cookies to get bigger.

Orange Juice for Mom

Gratton- mom I will make you sind orange juice, so you can feel better. I will just need you to cut the orange in half!

No, it was gold Mom!

"Kahlan, did you just wipe a booger on my table?!" "No Mom, there was just some gold in my nose..." That's what I get for always asking her if she's digging for gold....

Game Maker Gratton

Gratton loves playing video games, and says he's going to be a video game Maker when he grows up. He likes the games where he can create things- Little Big Planet, and Minecraft. He can do some impressive stuff. Too tired to explain it now, but I'll write more later. This week we also taught him how to do multiplication. He quizzes us all day long, and we quiz him back. I think school will be a breeze for him

Little Mommy Kahlan

Kahlan loves playing with her toys, and is so cute when she does it. She makes voices for her different toys, and comes up with the funniest stuff. She also tries being just like mommy! So David and I were playing magic, when we heard kahlan saying to her doll, "Go to sleep baby, and don't wake me up!" Then a second later, in an exasperated voice, "Baby, mommy needs to sleep, go back to bed!" It was so cute and funny. And it's good to know that she does hear us and remember what we tell her, even though she doesn't always listen Having kids is hard work, but pretty awesome.