May-December 2010

When Davids family came to Rexburg for Memorial day, we did some awesome stuff! We went to bear world and yellowstone. Such a great weekend! I don't have any pics sadly... But now that we finally have a camera, there will be more pics from here on out!

June was a fun month. I had my first ultrasound, and they moved my due date up two weeks. I still think they were wrong, because I specifically remember the first day of my last period. It was the same day I found out I had been kicked out of school, I remember thinking "really, could this day get any worse?!" But they set my due date to Feb 5th instead of January 18th. We had a lot of fun in June, and spent a lot of time at Porter Park, and in the sun. I think it snowed only once in June. I think this was also when Kirstie first told us she was pregnant too. David had already guessed, because he said she was grumpier and sicker, but I hadn't noticed at all!
My little sister decided to come out to Rexburg to go to Paul Mitchell, so we moved out of Jareds room and got a 2 bedroom apartment, so she could stay with us. We needed more space anyway, since we had decided to just stay in Rexburg forever, and I was prego.

July was awesome. We bought a ton of fireworks, and did them on the 4th in Kirsties front yard. We didn't have much competition for room in the street, because we were like the only ones who celebrated it on Sunday. Everyone else did it on Saturday. Kirstie was sick as a dog, but I wasn't TOO bad. I was nauseous a lot, but did not throw up much.

In Aug, we went to Vegas for the Mayfield family reunion, and man was it a blast! We went to The Lion King, The Shark tank, a buffet at the Rio, and mostly enjoyed the air conditioned hotel! I missed my family reunion, because David couldn't get 2 weeks off in a row, and they were back to back. But we will go to mine this year, since his family only does one every other year.
I also turned 22. David and Kirsties family surprised me by showing up with pizzas, dr pepper and brownies instead of a cake (i like brownies a lot, and kirstie was feeling too sick to make a cake)! David got me a cricut scrapbooking machine, which is awesome! Then he took me to the Idaho Museum, out to lunch at Red Robin, and gave me a gift card to best buy! I used it to buy The Fox and The Hound. Great movie!

September was a pretty rough month... We started another semester of school, and I quit my job at payless to work on campus. We found out on the 21st that we were having a baby boy! But then on the same day, Kirstie and Bill lost their baby girl. It was really hard because we didn't talk about our baby without including Kirstie and Bills' and how great it was going to be that they would be so close. It was hard for David and I to separate one from the other. Kirstie and Bill and their kids were really good though about still being excited about our baby Gratton, so that helped. And then I found out that my friend Jessie lost her baby as well. I felt pretty guilty , and kind of threw myself into doing stuff to prepare for the baby, to try to get excited again. I don't know when my feelings changed, but I am happy again about our baby, though I still really wish things went differently for Kirstie and Jessie.
October was a fun month. David loves Halloween, so I had a lot of fun decorating the house! And the Giants won the World Series! We watched all of the games, and had parties and just a good ol time. Here's us all decked out. If you don't understand the beards, its because you aren't a true Giants fan ;)
Fear the beard!
David was a grim reaper thingy, and I was a pumpkin for Halloween. We had a lot of fun!
October 10th was also our one year anniversary. We had a romantic dinner in since it was Sunday, and on Monday David got me some beautiful flowers!
Oh! We also went to the Haunted Mill, I think I already posted about that. Yeah it scared me to death. In turn, I'm fairly certain Gratton was also a little on edge!

Not a very eventful month. Mostly it was filled with stinky school and tests and work, for both David and I. I finally went to a different doctor though who gave me anti-nausea medicine! That changed me being sick so much, it was amazing!
We couldn't go out of town for Thanksgiving, so we had our own here. It was my first time cooking a turkey, but David and I did great! It was way good. We had our friends Cory and Tavo over, and Davids brother Kyle and his wife Alysa and then Kyles friend skylar. So we had a pretty full house! After dinner we went to the movies and watched Red. It was a good movie, and a good end to Thanksgiving!
I got super sick in December, and started having a lot of contractions. I went to the hospital the first time it happened and I've been on the contraction control meds since. They're not helping all that much anymore, now that the contractions are stronger. They are very painful but I think I am getting used to them. Hopefully though I will be able to tell when I am really in labor!
Christmas was fun, it was our second Christmas together. I got David some dress shoes and he got me a stereo for my car! We went to his friend David Scotts house for dinner, which was great. They had the xbox kinect, and it was soo much fun!! We are going to have to save up for one after we finish buying everything for the baby!


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