Exciting Happenings of Winter 2011

This winter has been pretty exciting! The weather has been awful though, being in Idaho.... It wouldn't have been so bad if I had been able to actually play in the snow! When I was pregnant I was very worried about hurting my baby, so I didn't go sledding or anything. I just sat in a chair and got cold because my snow pants didn't fit, and watched everyone else have fun! I was so excited to have the baby so I could go snowboarding, sledding, and just have fun! Then came the stinking pancreatitis, which was no fun-o! I definitely wasn't going outside then... And now that I am feeling all better (mostly), there is no more snow! Normally I would rejoice this fact. I LOVE summer! Well it isn't summer yet but anyway... I wanna go play in the snow dang it!!!! We might try to go snowboarding next week though and have Kirstie or Natalie watch the baby. They just don't know it yet haha!

So what did we do this week? Monday we had Natalie over, and took a trip down to Idaho Falls to get her a new phone. Her old one busted even though it was only a few months old. Luckily she bought the black tie for it. Best buys black tie plan is amazing! Never buy something expensive without also getting the black tie! So she got the optimus for free. I bought a new case for my phone, cause I was sick of my old one. I love Davids discount at Best Buy. Accessories are sooo cheap! I never cared about technology before I met David. I never even watched TV! I have changed a lot since then. I can look at computer or TV specs now and know if its a good or bad deal. I still can't get into video games though... Anyways! After Best Buy we went to Petsmart to check stuff out for our fish! We really wanted a pet, but fish are all we are allowed and I finally decided on which ones to get! We got a dragonfish, a sucker fish, 2 goldfish and 2 black striped thingys. I can't remember the names of the the gold fish or black ones... I wanted some oscars cause they're cool, but I really didn't want them to eat all the other fish.

The Dragonfish is pretty much blind, so it has a hard time finding its food. We couldn't figure out how to get it to eat, and the Wal-Mart people didn't really know anything about it. The petsmart people did though! They told us to get frozen blood worms, thaw them with a little water, suck em up into a turkey baster and then squirt them out right in front of his face. Man did that make the little guy happy!! He hadn't eaten in a few days and we were getting worried about him. He eats now though and is swimming around more and just seems happy! Gratton likes to watch the fish swim around. He smiles and sometimes tries to grab the fish through the tank. It is so adorable!

We spent like an hour in petsmart just looking at all the cool tanks and accessories. I want a huge aquarium when we have a house one day. I love animals! I wish we could have a dog, but not very many apartments or houses out here let you have them. And the ones that do let you have them require a huge deposit and sometimes extra monthly fees, which we just can't afford. But I love my fish! David has a male eclectus parrot, but his parents are taking care of it for now. I am going to ask our landlords if we can bring him here, but who knows.

Tuesday was a pretty slow day. My sis Nat and I went to the gym while David watched the baby, and then we came home and switched, and David went for a run. I ran two miles! I did take a few walking breaks though, but I did way better than I expected. That night Natalie watched Gratton while David and I went to a choir show for our FA100 class. It was not a very good show... We ended up playing angry birds on our phones...

Yesterday was pretty fun. We took Gratton to the doctors and he is now 22 inches long and 10 lbs 9.5 ounces! The doctor also prescribed some prevacid for him because he spits up SOOOO much! So far it seems to be working. He hasn't spit up much since he took his first dose. He also got his first round of vaccines, which he did not like! He only screamed for like 30 seconds though and then he took his pacifier and was calm again. Thankfully Kirstie reminded me to give him baby tylenol before we went! He woke up at 4am though screaming, and with a fever. We had given him a dose of tylenol at 10pm, but it wore off while we all slept. I had left the tylenol at Kirsties though and no stores out here are open 24hrs! Luckily David has a key to Kirsties though so he went and got the meds. SO we gave him the tylenol and his fever went away and he went back to sleep. He woke up again at 7, I fed him again and he and David are still sleeping right now. I'm pretty tired too, but I wanted to get some things done while Gratton is sleeping! I love having a baby, but it is a lot of work and you don't get much time for yourself. Some days I take the alone time to sleep, but sometimes I would rather do stuff!

So we are going to California on the 11th! I am so so so so so excited! Warm weather, family, Disneyland! It doesn't get much better than that. I am so excited. Next semester is going to be pretty stressful because both David and I will be in hard classes. Kirstie is taking a full load too, so we won't have much time to play like this semester. I am taking some fun classes too- a guitar class and a pattern making class. I have always wanted to be able to design modest dresses and now I will be able to!

Well, I am going to get going but I will report later with more happenings of our happy little family! :)


  1. I'm so happy you are feeling better and that Grat is growing so well. We can't wait to see you!
    I think your life will never be dull...


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