In the hospital again!

SO Davids birthday weekend ended up a little different then I had planned! We were going to have a dinner at Kirsties house and I was going to make him 25 mini cakes at his request haha! But I got sick...

I had been having really bad abdominal pain during my pregnancy. It started in the second trimester and pretty much made the rest of my pregnancy miserable. I told my doctor about it at every appointment, but he wouldn't check for anything! I even asked him to check for gallstones, because it said in my pregnancy book that it was really common, and my dad agreed. He wouldn't check though. When I went to the hospital for contractions at 32 weeks, my white blood cell count was really high and they didn't know why, but no one thought to check for gallstones!

So 6 weeks after having Gratton I started having really intense stomach pain, and two days into it I went to my doctor. My sister-in-law even had to drive me because I was in too much pain to drive myself or take care of Gratton. The midwife was the only person at the office though, and so I saw her. She said that I was probably just having constipation pain though, or I was coming down with something. I told her I had already gone poo that morning but she wouldn't listen, and told me to give myself an enema! She sent me to have lab work done at the hospital, cause I wouldn't take enema for an answer, but it wouldn't have been done until the end of the day. She didn't think it was a very big deal.

By the time I got to the Hospital though, I was in so much pain that I was in the fetal position on the floor. Kirstie said I should have the ER look at me, and I'm so glad I did! The doc looked at my stomach and said it looked really yellow. He gave me pain meds right away, and I was finally out of pain for the first time in a long time! In the next hour I had 3 vials of blood taken, an x-ray, an ultrasound and a transfer to the hospital in Idaho Falls. The doctor said I had pancreatitis, my liver was in bad shape, making me jaundice, and it was all being caused by lots of gallstones which had developed during my pregnancy. One had moved into my bile duct, and that was causing the pancreatitis and liver problems.

David came home from work early, and helped check me into the Idaho Falls hospital. They hooked me up to a fentanyl drip and starved me for a day to help my pancreas heal. The next day the stone had passed, so they took out my Gallbladder. I had the surgery on Davids birthday, poor guy. He spent all day and night helping me out of the bed to pee. Everyone came to the hospital though and brought him presents and cupcakes. Kirstie had been watching Gratton and she brought him too.

I was able to leave the hospital the next night, and eat too! I was very excited. I'm feeling much better now, and I can even take care of Gratton again. I'm glad I finally went to another doctor and got everything taken care of. Needless to say, I am not ever going back to my old doctor again. He made me feel like I was imagining things to the point where I just got used to my gallstone pain. I am so much more appreciative of good doctors now though. It makes me want to be a doctor even more, so that other people won't have to go through what I did.


  1. I'm glad you're feeling better Sonja! That's pretty awful that the doctors didn't listen to you and ignored your pain. >_<


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