Changes in the home and family dynamics with Corvid19

Lots has changed recently, but we're getting through it. The kids are doing online school from home at least until May 1st. David is working from home as well. With myself being in the category that would have complications, we're staying away from all potential exposures.

My health took an unfortunate turn. I started being unable to eat or drink without extreme pain. Then I started not being able to keep the food and drink down at all. I knew I was getting dehydrated and felt weak. My Dr did labs and then ordered home iv treatments and an ng tube placed for enteral feeding. Being attached to the iv and ng tube all day has been pretty hard. It's kinda like you can't ignore you're sick (which is my typical attitude) when you need and machines to help with simple things like nutrition. I vented to my amazing sister in law though today, got my crying out and moved on with my day! It ended up not being so bad.

Gratton gets his online school work done easily on his own, but misses his friends terribly. He's had a few panic attacks, and I wasn't sure how to help him. I prayed, and the idea of meeting his friends digitally came to mind. So I and his friends mom set up a time they could meet online to play a digital game, roblox. They were both so happy!

For Kahlans online school- she wants you to kinda sit with her and watch, even though she does know what she's doing. Friday I was too sick to do that with her, which made David's day hard. Today, even though I had to have her come in bed with me with the laptop, I still got through it all with her, and she was just happy to spend time with me.
It's such a weird in the world, and such an inconvenient time to be sick too this extent. 2 weeks ago I was doing so much better! I'm trying not to be bitter though and just do what I can with the health God is giving me at this moment. Tomorrow I've got my follow up with my Dr to know the plan past the next 7 days. Cause the ng tube currently has 6 more days of food ordered, and tomorrow is the last day of my IV fluid stock. He's also going to explain the results of the 20 labs he did last appointment. Hopefully I have a mental clarity day where I understand him. Just in case though, David's coming with me. And the kids cause you know, no sitterd  with social distancing! 
Sunday (yesterday) we had our own church meeting since church is cancelled worldwide. David passed the sacrament ( with authorization from the Bishop) and I played very basic versions of the hymns. We had to do the first song twice! And I couldn't sing cause this ng tube gives you a wicked sore throat! Then we went on a short walk (literally around the block) before the nurse came to fix me up with a new iv and taught me to use the feeding tube machine. 

Everyone is going through such a different experience, in each of our homes, but I think we can carve out some special moments anyways. Pray, meditate, and find your zen. We're all gonna get through this, I know it.
So from our family to yours, keep safe, hold your loved ones close, and grow closer during this unique time. Stress and anxiety will only hurt us in the end.


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