
Showing posts from January, 2011

Gratton Robert Mayfield

He's here!!! Gratton was born last Tuesday, 1/26/11 at 3:06am. He weighed 6lbs 4oz and was 20 inches long. However, at his pediatrics appointment he had lost an inch because his head shrunk back to normal. So he is 19 inches now. I started having contractions Sunday the 24th. They were really strong, but not consistent, so I stayed at home all frustrated, and waited for them to get closer together. We went to Sunday dessert night at Kirsties house, and Kirstie and my lil sis and I joked around about what I could do to get my contractions closer together and get this baby here! Monday morning we went about our normal routine. David went to his first class and I dropped him off at his second class. That was at about 12:45. I got home and as soon as I sat down I noticed that they were getting closer together, so I started timing them. They were a minute apart and really painful. I knew if I waited until Davids class finished, I might be in too much pain to go get him. So after an hour...

Midnight craving for jello!

So last night at midnight, I got a craving for green jello. Luckily I had some! SO I got up and made it. When I came back to bed David was like, "where did you go?" "Oh I had to make some jello!" He was like, "ooookay..." And today I got to eat it! Yay!

Wisdom ouchies...

I never got my wisdom teeth out as a teenager. Not sure why, since we did have insurance. I was just too busy dancing to bother probably. But one decided to grow in quite recently, while I was pregnant.. The dentist didn't wanna take it out though because of the baby. Well it started hurting pretty good and the other teeth around it got really sensitive, so I went in yesterday to have it checked out. When the dentist saw it, he was like "yup that's gonna need to come out". He wasn't worried about the baby though, because I am so far along. Well, now my mouth is just a big ball of ouchies. It hurts and all I can take is tylenol, which does just about nothing! That is why I am up at 3 am....

Baby updates

So I haven't been having any contractions lately and next Friday I get to stop taking the contraction meds! The doc said though that it looks like I might actually go full term, so I haven't been staying in bed lately. I've been doing more stuff and it feels great! I am not good at staying still and not doing stuff. I was at motherhood maternity today, just kinda dinkin around and wasting time until David got off work, and I found the coolest thing! It's a Graco prenatal heart listener. It is so so cool, I wish I would have found it sooner! You can hear the baby's heartbeat (when you can find it), and just him moving around and stuff. You can record it onto your computer, so I'm gonna figure out how to do that too. David and I are so excited and ready for this baby to come! We just can't wait. The doctor said last week that he was about 5 1/2 pounds. So if I go full term, which he said I should, we are gonna have a pretty big baby, since I'm not due t...

No rest for the weary.. Or the pregnant!

So today is like day 3 in a row of waking up at 5am! Anyone who knows me knows that I can sleep anytime, anywhere, whether or not I had 8 hours already. Well I guess those days are over! I didn't even try staying asleep this morning. I got up and started doing some studying. I am only taking two classes this semester- Doctrine and Covenants (a religion) and Pathophysiology. Both are online, so I never have to go on campus, woo! Except for tests at the testing center... In my pathology class, the professor records his lectures, so I listen to them and crochet. I'm trying to be better at multitasking like David is. He can do like 4 things at once! I'm working on a baby sweater right now. It looks like it is going to turn out pretty cute!

May-December 2010

May When Davids family came to Rexburg for Memorial day, we did some awesome stuff! We went to bear world and yellowstone. Such a great weekend! I don't have any pics sadly... But now that we finally have a camera, there will be more pic s from here on out! June June was a fun month. I had my first ultrasound, and they moved my due date up two weeks. I still think they were wrong, because I specifically remember the first day of my last period. It was the same day I found out I had been kicked out of school, I remember thinking "really, could this day get any worse?!" But they set my due date to Feb 5th instead of January 18th. We had a lot of fun in June, and spent a lot of time at Porter Park, and in the sun. I think it snowed only once in June. I think this was also when Kirstie first told us she was pregnant too. David had already guessed, because he s aid she was grumpier and sicker, but I hadn't noticed at all! My little sister decided to come out to Rexburg to ...

January-May 2010

Okay, so this is sooo long overdue! I can't even remember the last time I made a good update! So much happened in 2010 that I didn't write about, so I'm just gonna write about everything! January In January we were living in Orem, UT. David started school at BYU Provo, and I was at UVU. He was working at Trade Home shoes in the mall, and I was working at the hospital in the OR as a tech/orderly. February In February, Davids Grandma Mayfield died. We took a few days off of school and drove up to Northern California for the funeral. It was a great service , and even though I never got to meet her, I could tell by the way everyone talked about her that she was a great woman. We were there for Valentines day and he surprised me good! He got me a red rose and Martinellis and chocolate donuts for breakfast! Haha he had to sneak out after I went to sleep on the 13th to surprise me, cause we were always together. Then later that night he gave me a hilarious card with an ITunes gift...